
Tuesday, June 9, 2020

The transformative effect of our divinity being seen

I just finished listening to a recent talk by Adyashanti in which he says, "One of the most healing things that can happen for any of us is for someone to look right through our imperfections and see us and know us as completely whole -- spiritually, humanely whole and divine -- from the very beginning. When someone sees us like that . . . that is an incredibly healing presence."

And, he adds, "Ultimately, spirituality is about finding that in ourselves."

I don't know if I would have dared to voice it that way when I met my first teacher. I only know that all I needed to do was sit in front of him and healing tears would start to flow. He actually saw me that way though the words were never spoken. And so, of course I became attached -- because when you see yourself as broken and someone and not only treats you as though that isn't true but actually sees your perfection -- well, it's a miracle of sorts.

The trick is to realize the last part of what Adya said: ultimately finding that in oneself. And that means finding that unbroken, eternal spirit in oneself.  For me, that took meeting Adya and having that truth reflected to me again, but this time becoming conscious of it.

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